plane flying over a residential area in East Boston
Air Partners

Empowering near-airport communities of East Boston with real- time air quality data.

My design work:
  • User interviews and persona creation
  • In-person and virtual user testing
  • Paper and digital UI prototyping
The technical stuff:
  • Front-end development using ReactJS
  • Hybrid Android app development
  • Firebase hosting, realtime database, and cloud functions
  • Internationalization (i18n) and accessibility
User interface for will creation

As a team of four, we prototyped a will creation UI with unique solutions for large amounts of varied and non-linear data entry.

Why making a will is tough:
  • The decisions are incredibly emotional
  • Each persons concerns are very unique
Design techniques practiced:
  • Visual design concepts (e.g. affordances)
  • Paper and digital UI prototyping
  • Heuristic evaluations and cognitive walk-throughs
  • Flexibility for power users
  • Usability studies and A/B testing
Scale mockup of an inclusive center for gender performers
The Drag Lab Cooperative

Our team created a scaled mock-up of a collaborative performance space, custom tailored to the world of gender performers.

Project phases:
  • Persona creation
  • Concept ideation
  • Design proposal
Design techniques applied:
  • Journey mapping
  • Rapid paper prototyping with users
Olin Electric Motorsports team photo
Olin Electric Motorsports

OEM is an electric vehicle competition team. During my three years on leadership, I led user-focused, iterative re-design and evaluation of our practices which improved retention of students who are not cisgender males.

2016 stats:
  • 0 female PMs in team history
  • 1 female member in a leadership role
  • 3 female members retained through competition
2020 stats:
  • 3rd female PM just assumed her role
  • 6 female members in leadership roles
  • 15 female members retained through competition
Echo show with image of man in wetsuit sitting in a van
Alexa Personal Photos

On the Alexa personal photos team, I prototyped several options to compare UX for a new feature.

  • Customer transparency
  • UPL (user-perceived latency)
  • Reliability
What I did (without too much detail):
  • Headless browser automation using Selenium
  • Authored 2-pager detailing UX comparisons of rapid software prototyping based on above criteria
Hand holding time-of-flight camera printed circuit board

Among many electrical engineering projects at this consulting firm, I met directly with our customers to iteratively improve our software UX.

Major projects:
  • Test software development for biological lab devices
  • Testing and repair of time-of-flight cameras
  • High efficieny inductive sterilizer
Customer needs for test software:
  • Customization
  • Key metrics